That's my theory anyway especially when it comes to luxury brands.
So imagine my indignation when on facebook I see this girl call her new Chanel bag- the "Channel" Bag.
A paper bag and some deep-breathing exercises later, I decide that I really should just let it rest- after all, typos often occur and besides you'd have to be the world's most unclassiest tart in the world to think it's spelt "Channel" right? Surely any-one who could afford to have daddy buy them one should at least have some sort of education and fashion credability?
Then to my absolute horror, I see this undeserving imbecile gloat to her friends about it in her wall posts. And i count not once, not twice, but EVERY SINGLE TIME....that the said "typo" occurs.
Aghast I dont know what to do other than to link these wall posts to my collection of equally horrified friends. But then after some exclamations of disgust we all agree that this is really not that shocking- if you knew this girl you'd probably understand. Nothing about her could really be attributed to intelligence or class.
I think i should write to Chanel about this- surely they have some sort of standards? Because having some retard walk around as an ambassador of their bag, you'd want to make sure that she could at least spell it. I bet they just never realised what sort of undeserving skanks could potentially have access to Chanel due to their overly indulgent boyfriend/parents otherwise I am sure they would have introduced a mandatory spelling test.
God I love having a blog, it lets you vent but at the same time you are spared the messiness of a facebook war.